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This website is published by Sandrine Gaulin - 22 impasse les jardins du sablas - 34920 Le Cres
Company registered with the RCS of Montpellier Hérault under the number: 951 925 445

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Legal notice created on 19 August 2019


The www.oney.fr website is published by :

Oney Bank
A public limited company with capital of €51,286,585
Registered office: 34 avenue de Flandre 59170 CROIX.
Registered with the Lille Métropole Trade and Companies Register under number 546 380 197.
Intracommunity VAT identification number: FR71546380197

Oney Bank is approved as a credit institution by the Prudential Supervisory Authority (ACPR), 4 Place de Budapest, CS 92459, 75436 Paris Cedex 09, and is subject to its control. Oney Bank is also registered on the list of investment service providers. The list of approved credit institutions can be consulted on the Banque de France website (www.banque-france.fr) under the "banking supervision and regulation" section.

As part of its insurance activity, Oney Bank is registered as an insurance brokerage firm and is registered as such with the Organization for the Register of Insurance Intermediaries (ORIAS) under the number 07 023 261. The register can be consulted on the website www.orias.fr

Legal representative: Jean-Pierre VIBOUD, Managing Director
Publication manager: Corinne HOCHART, Managing Director France
Host: Oney Bank - 34 avenue de Flandre, 59170 Croix, France